Global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and extinction of numerous species of animals. These are just a few of the environmental issues that the world faces, in the name of development. As responsible corporate citizens, SMEs can play their part in preserving our natural environment for our next generation.
As responsible corporate citizens, SMEs have a major role to play in preserving the environment. For starters, they can help the Government to achieve its recycling goals, by creating mechanisms to facilitate the segregation of recyclable wastes and to ensure that these wastes are sent to the relevant parties instead of being dumped in landfills and illegal dumpsites. Furthermore, SMEs must also ensure that proper waste management systems are in place in conducting their day-to-day businesses.
Below are a few steps that SMEs can take to do their part for the environment:
• Dispose off company wastes properly and responsibly.
• Encourage employees to reuse items where possible, for example, printing on both sides of the paper, etc.
• Practise recycling in the office, by introducing a recycling programme. Among the items that can be recycled are papers, cardboards, glass, aluminium cans and scrap metals.
• Implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS).
An EMS provides a framework for managing environmental practices that integrates with overall business goals in a systematic way. Various models can be applied to develop, implement and maintain an EMS. One of the more common models used by industries is the model described by the ISO 14001 standard which was developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISO 14001 standard EMS model focuses on continuous improvement through an on-going cycle of actions called the continual improvement cycle which incorporates the elements of planning, doing, checking and acting.
An EMS typically begins with a strong environmental policy which describes the organisation’s approach in managing its environmental affairs and reflects its commitment to protect the environment and human well-being. The environmental policy establishes the framework for environmental leadership and serves as a contract between an organisation’s employees and its stakeholders. As such, commitment and strong support from top management is essential in making an EMS a success. Developing the environmental policy also helps to lay the groundwork for the planning phase of the EMS cycle. It is in this stage that active management support is sought, a multi-disciplinary EMS implementation team is formed and an introduction meeting is held to brief employees on the implementation of EMS. On top of that, the scope and budget for the implementation of EMS is also pre-defined. In other words, it is important that management provides all the resources necessary for the successful implementation of EMS.
It is evident that some SME has put in place various initiatives to preserve the environment while utilizing resources efficiently. These initiatives include the following:
1. Discouraging open burning in fields and plantation sites while encouraging the composting of felled trees and crops in an environmentally-friendly way which in turn prepares land for replanting by using natural fertilizer;
2. Discouraging the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in various industrial, commercial and household appliances; and
3. Encouraging the recycling of resources for example, in the plastic manufacturing industry, materials are being regenerated through the forming process in an effort to reuse biodegradable products in an environmentally-friendly way.
Waste management involves collecting, transporting, processing, recycling and disposing waste materials, in an effort to reduce their adverse effects on human health and the environment. Waste materials include solid, liquid or gaseous substances. The implementation of waste management requires careful planning and also adequate financial resources and is the responsibility of all parties involved such as individuals, businesses and corporations, including SMEs.
In an effort to support an enhanced level of environmental pro activity, the government provides a range of fiscal activities which includes the Pioneer Status tax exemption and the Investment Tax Allowance for the manufacture of environmentally-friendly products, the provision and supply of environmentally-friendly services and specific activities which contribute towards the presentation of the environment. The said incentives are available for the following activities:
- Storage, treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous waste
- Waste recycling activities which are high-tech in nature for instance, recycling agricultural wastes, chemicals and the production of reconstituted wood-based panel boards or other products
- Energy-generating activities using biomass which are renewable and environmentally-friendly. Examples of biomass resources include palm oil mill waste, rice mill waste, sugar cane mill waste, timber/sawmill waste and paper recycling mill waste
- Energy conservation services
Accelerated Capital Allowance with a special initial rate of 40% and an annual rate of 20% for total write-off within three years is given to organisations that are waste generators, for their capital expenditure on machinery and equipment incurred, to set up facilities to store, treat and dispose their waste. This incentive is also available to companies undertaking waste recycling activities.
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