Sunday, May 2, 2010

Audit Of Electronic Documents In ISO 9001 Standards

Audit Of Electronic Documents In ISO 9001 Standards

Electronic documents that establish management system policies and procedures can be in a variety of file formats depending on the software applications that are utilized by the organization to generate the documents. Electronic file formats include, Text, HTML, PDF, etc. Spreadsheets and databases formats are also considered to be electronic “documents” subject to the control elements of the management system to being audited.

Given the relative ease with which users can now create electronic spreadsheets and other electronic documents, auditors (either internal or external) should ensure that policies governing the controls that apply to management system documentation in-general are also employed for electronic documents through appropriate procedures.

Organizations need to employ suitable and effective methods within the electronic environment for ensuring the adequate review, approval, publication and distribution of its management system documentation. These should be consistent with the methods for the development and modification of electronic documents.

In many cases document control measures may also be standard features of software applications used for their creation. Therefore auditors should understand these application-specific controls to the degree that these are utilized as a basis for conformance to the applicable management system standard.

Given the increased capacity to modify, update, reformat and otherwise improve documents within an electronic-based management system, auditors should pay particular attention to control elements such as document identification and document revision level.

As electronic media facilitates an increased rate of document modifications, auditors should verify that the controls being employed for the management of obsolete documents are considered within the organizations’ document control policies and procedures.

Auditors should verify that electronic-based documentation exists to provide orientation to users with regard to the functional and control aspects associated with electronic documents. Additionally, “Point-of-use” requirements associated with the applicable management system standards will typically be addressed in part by the organization’s document access policies. Auditors should understand the organization’s policies and procedures regarding user privileges as these become important factors for properly realizing the organization’s processes.

External electronic communication with suppliers, customers and other interested parties may involve the exchange of documents. Given that these external documents may contain key parameters that specify the functioning of the organization’s processes, auditors should verify the degree to which these documents are formally introduced and controlled within the electronic-based management system.

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